Canada Provincial Nominee Program

Canadian Express Entry system allows the candidates from the pool of potential immigrants to get directly nominated by any province or territory, except Quebec, in Canada. All these provinces have their own Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).  These programs have been designed in order to provide the candidates with a chance for fast-tracked immigration. Each province is able to target the workers, professionals, or students who exhibit the precise educational background, work experience and professional skills through the prescribed guidelines or criteria. With the help of a well-equipped Canadian immigration partner, you can walk the path and reach your destination in a hassle-free way.

The Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) allow Canadian provinces and territories to nominate individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada and who are interested in settling in a particular province.

Each Canadian province and territory (except Nunavut and Quebec) has its own unique Provincial Nominee Program. Each PNP has at least one immigration stream that is aligned with the federal Express Entry immigration selection system.

Provincial nominations issued under these Express Entry-aligned streams are known as ‘enhanced nominations and award Express Entry candidates an additional 600 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points.

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